adidas sneakers white mens The adidas brand sets the curve for sports technology and streetwear relevance. In 1924, Adi Dassler founded his first shoe factory in Germany, providing athletic wear to Gold medalists in multiple Olympics. He created his namesake company and registered the now-famous three-stripes shoe design in 1949. Today, adidas shoes and clothing are synonymous with performance and style, with collections available for women, men.
adidas sneakers womens sale Iconic tennis style lives forever in the Stan Smith. A collaboration with NEIGHBORHOOD, this edition of the archival shoes is made in premium leather with modern Boost cushioning. They feature old English lettering graphics created by L.A. artist Cali Thornhill DeWitt.
adidas sneakers online 2019 The low-top Adidas Stan Smith Bold, which was initially created for the female consumers, gets the nod of both women and men for its classic look in an elevated style. The added height paired with a minimal upper design makes it even more versatile to combine with a variety of casual clothing. Not only does this sneaker boasts of an added height advantage, but comfortable fit and cushioning as well, with a range of prices that are very reasonable.
adidas stan smith floral Dressed in a Mesa and Umber color combination. This adidas Stan Smith features a robust leather upper with bellows tongue for weather protection. Boot style laces, metal eyelets, leather heel, three perforated stripes over a rubber sole complete the design.