Headwear can add volume to your own hair and enhance your beauty. Today, we want to share with you some of the things you need to know about headwear and help you understand which one is right for you.
What is a tiara?
A tiara, also known as a half-wig or headdress, is an accessory that covers the top of the head.
They're lightweight and easy to use, perfect for adding volume to the top of your head by simply clipping in your hair, especially if your hair is thin or fine.
Headdresses come in different styles and sizes, lengths, and thicknesses.
They can be made from synthetic heat-resistant fibers or human hair.
What is a human hair HD frontal wig?
Human hair highlights wigs is made from real, natural, harvested human hair.
This means they look, move, and behave just like your own hair.
As a result, they look and feel very natural.
Wigs provide complete hair on all parts of the head.
This is the biggest difference compared to conditioners.
Advantages of tiara:
1. Provide partial coverage, so they're the perfect solution for people who are gradually losing their hair, have thinning hair, or have problems.
2. Tends to look natural, so most people won't guess you're wearing it.
3. It's usually light, so you don't have to worry about your scalp getting too hot than 4x4 closure wig.
4. Made with less hair and dense hair, they are more economical than full-head wigs in most cases, and top hats are ideal for hot weather.

Disadvantages of tiara:
1. Tiara is not an option for complete hair loss associated with hair loss, chemotherapy, or other medical conditions.
2. For the top hat to look natural, it needs to exactly match the color and texture of your own hair.
3. Many women with thinning skin or sensitive scalp are too uncomfortable to wear hairpins.
4. Also, using cheaper clips can damage the remaining hair.
5. You still need to set your hair when you put on your headdress, which can take time.
How do you care for your tiara?
If you own a hair accessory, you may be wondering how to care for it to extend its life.
Read the following tips to take care of your tiara.
1. Wash your gold headdress every two weeks.
This may sound strange, but it's actually quite normal.
If you wash your hair as often as you wash your natural hair, it may dry out and shorten the life of your wig.
2. Store the tiara in a box when not in use.
That way, your silk tiara won't accumulate dust or debris, which can cause damage in the long run.
3. Use a sulfate-free shampoo to keep your tiara moist and dry.
4. Use a tiara regularly to keep your hair soft and long.
Wigs VS Tiara: What's the difference?
1. Length and coverage
Wigs completely cover the head and protect all the hair underneath.
It is also usually sold in a predetermined cut and style that is easy to wear on your head.
2. Volume and weight
Because tiara has less hair than wigs, they are lighter, and, as a result, they provide more air permeability to the scalp.
3. Color and style
True hair wigs are available in a variety of styles and colors to suit your preferences.
Multiple types of human hair wigs allow you to achieve a more stylistic look.
If you've always wanted to try a glamorous color wig, why not try ginger, red or blonde wig?
4. Attachment mode
Human hair wigs can mostly be worn without any clips or fasteners - perfect for those with sensitive scalps.
Due to their nature, natural headpieces need to be placed more precisely with lightweight clamps to hold them in place.
The following factors can help you make a better choice.
Choose a human hair wig:
You are in the advanced stages of hair loss or balding.
You want to try a style or color that is very different from your natural hair.
Your local temperature is comfortable and cool.
Instead, consider using hair accessories if:
You are in the early stages of hair loss.
You just want to get a natural hairline.
You live in a hot or humid area.
Whether it's a wig or a hair accessory, they can help you achieve the fullness of your hair, make your choice.