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So, recently I have been buying some homebrew games on etsy and ebay... I've also purchased a few repro carts due to the fact that the original copies are being sold for several hundred dollars and I have no other way to afford to play them.One of the sellers on etsy got into a conversation with me when I had asked him a question about his games and the creation process, and he went into all of these crazy details about how I should avoid most repro games (regardless of quality) because according to him every other seller on the planet (except him) makes low quality repros with cheap chips and boards, and that all of the chips are photosensitive to light and lose their data within a year or two.. he went into all sorts of technical terms about "bit rot" and he assured me though that his games were made with top quality chips and boards and that they were as good as the originals... he mentioned something about temporary and permanent chips?Anyway, the information he gave me seemed to make sense in a scary sort of way.. Is this true? does the data on a homebrew or reproduction cart simply vanish after a short amount of time?Is this guy being truthful and honest or is he just trying to scare me into buying his games and nobody elses?Also, I've heard that the max life of a disc based game is around 50 years and then the data breaks down and can disappear?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Consumer Electronic Video