
ll the layers back we have a

in Regeln und Informationen 05.09.2018 08:18
von panxing18 • Anbu Squad-Leader | 407 Beiträge

The timing was hardly coincidental that the NFL and NFLPA issued a joint statement pressing pause on the league’s new anthem policy only hours after word emerged regarding 2018 work rules from the Dolphins that vaguely connected violations of the anthem policy to potential suspensions. As more and more camps open Jarrad Davis Jersey , more and more similar reports would have emerged.

So the league smartly mobilized to put out up to 31 other fires before they started, and the union agreed (possibly without getting anything in return) to that approach. The question now becomes whether the two sides can agree on yet another new anthem policy before the regular season begins, six weeks and six days from now in the city were our collective freedoms were secured more than 240 years ago.

It won’t be easy, unless the union decides to demonstrate the kind of magnanimity at the bargaining table that the league never would. The players hold the cards on this one, especially if the NFL hopes to emerge with an NBA-style rule that players will stand for the anthem — and not to stay in the locker room as an alternative to participating in the pre-game display of patriotism.

The league should have swooped in two years ago and struck a deal with the NFLPA to make standing mandatory, right after Colin Kaepernick was first spotted sitting during the anthem. But the league likely didn’t want to make any concessions in order to make that happen. In the months since August 2016, as the controversy has grown and grown, the price for getting the players to agree to stand surely has gone up, and up.

Unless, of course, union leadership is willing to bend on this issue to boost mutual business interests, even if there’s no hard evidence that the anthem issue actually has affected business interests. At a minimum Akiem Hicks Jersey , the union would need to emerge with something in return for an agreement to stand for the anthem. Otherwise, the internal and external blowback could become significant.

Whatever they do, a P.R. minefield awaits. If the second revised anthem policy still allows for any form of protest, a certain politician who could benefit from the distraction right about now (and pretty much during any given news cycle) will pounce. And if Anthem Policy 3.0 entails a joint agreement from the league and players to stand, victory will be declared — and declared again and again until the midterm elections and beyond.

So good luck, NFL and NFLPA, as you try to solve this one. While you’re at it, go ahead and try to extend the CBA, cure cancer, achieve world peace, and figure out whether Tony Soprano was still alive after the screen went dark.
A little over three months into the job, new Arizona coach Steve Wilks is busy recasting the Cardinals in his own image.

"I think the biggest thing is we're laying a foundation Gary Zimmerman Jersey ," said Wilks, who had the team assembled beginning last week for strength and conditioning work. "I wanted those guys to understand my vision, expectations."

Not much attention is paid to the Cardinals outside Arizona these days.

"Right now we're flying below the radar and that's great," he said Tuesday. "I like where we are, and I'll continue to start there until the time is right."

There is plenty going on inside the team's Tempe offices and meeting rooms. Wilks said he is busy trying to build relationships because "that's what it's all about."

Meanwhile, the defense is adjusting from the previous 3-4 scheme to the 4-3 Wilks used last year as defensive coordinator of the Carolina Panthers. The offense, under the direction of coordinator Mike McCoy, is pretty much being invented from scratch around the abilities of running back David Johnson, wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald and new quarterback Sam Bradford.

Bradford, with his injury history, will be brought along slowly.

"The biggest thing we're going to do with Sam is to make sure that he's ready to play 16-plus games," Wilks said. "I've seen what he can do over the years. I'm not concerned about trying to get him out there as quick as possible to throw the ball."

The coach said that he Bennie Fowler III Jersey , along with the training and medical staff, have developed a plan for Bradford to follow.

"He knows his body more than us," Wilks said. "We're trying to make sure that we give him the things that he needs on a day-to-day basis to make sure that he feels healthy when he goes out there and he feels very confident about that. I feel great where he is right now. I think he's making great progress in what we're doing but once again we want to make sure that he's here for the long haul."

In the meantime, the new quarterback will have a voice in the shaping of the offense.

"With a veteran guy like Sam, he's going to have a lot of input in the things we're trying to do," Wilks said. "Most importantly, the guy's smart. He understands the game. He's played for a while. We want his input, most importantly, to be able to give him some accountability with this offense."

Wilks sat courtside with Fitzgerald at Sunday night's NBA game between the Golden State Warriors and Phoenix Suns.

It's part of what Wilks called "up-close-and-personal time" he's had with the star receiver.

"He's everything that's advertised," Wilks said, "a true gentleman, a pillar not only of this community but a pillar of this league. It's great to have him back not only for his performance on the field but the things that he brings off the field as well. His leadership A'Shawn Robinson Jersey , his commitment to excellence, all those things are great."

Wilks commended the NFC West-rival Rams for their offseason moves.

"They're doing a tremendous job," he said. "Look at some of the guys they've brought in this offseason."

He said it would be "a very competitive division."

"I'm going to keep the focus on us," he said. "I think when you really pull the layers back we have a lot of great talent as well."

Wilks has talked about holding some outdoor practices in training camp, a bit of a challenge considering the scorching desert heat of late July and August.

But he said he's experienced that heat, and he has associates relaying their experiences, as well.

"I'm listening to the stories people have been telling me," he said. "I'm saying we'll be outside, but we'll see."
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