I would bet that a vast majority of people would say "Lots of money". I'm sure that can be a part of your wealth, but it's not the be-all-and-end-all. This is the definition of wealth from BusinessDictionary.com: Tangible or intangible thing that makes a person, family, or group better off. Wealth does not have to be about money although most people see it that way. Even if you were brass tacks broke and on the bones of your backside, could you, would you, be able to find and see clearly all the true wealth that is showing up in your life right now? I did that today.
To me, wealth is an abundance or sure supply of something.Need More Information Today I was inspired to write this article when this phrase popped into my head: "I AM WEALTHY BEYOND BELIEF". All the thoughts that followed that had one thing in common; none of them had anything at all to do with money. Isn't that interesting? It started a watershed of ideas and thoughts about why I have endless reason to be so damn grateful for my life right now. I started like this - please enter into the next paragraph at your own peril because this is what I heard in my head.