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  • Adidas EQT GünstigDatum10.09.2019 05:53
    Thema von ternan im Forum Diskussion

    Das Warten hat lange gedauert, aber Fans der klassischen adidas Ausrüstungsserie waren mehr als erfreut zu sehen, dass einige der klassischen Laufsilhouetten der 1990er Jahre ihr Comeback feierten, als Ende 2013 der Adidas EQT Damen/Herren und das Running Cushion zurückkehrten. Bis Herbst 2014 ein dritter klassisches EQT-Modell war zurück, die EQT Running Guidance. Jetzt, da alle drei Modelle zu einem festen Bestandteil der adidas Retro Runner-Reihe werden, erscheint diese Premium-Ausgabe des Guidance mit einer edlen Mischung aus Vollnarbenleder und Nubukleder in einem tonig schwarzen Farbton.

    In diesem Jahr war die Marke mit den drei Streifen unerbittlich in der Sneaker-Welt. Sie waren nicht nur in der Lage, Neuerscheinungen wie die Ultra Boosts äußerst populär zu machen, sondern haben auch die begehrten Adidas EQT Schuhe Klassiker (auch bekannt als Equipment) der 90er wiedergeboren, die seit mehreren Jahren inaktiv sind. Mit dem jüngsten Erfolg der November-Veröffentlichung von Pusha T und den auffälligen # 3F15, die die EQT-Linie auf eine nie dagewesene Weise neu interpretierten, ist die Marke Trefoil auf eine vollständige Überarbeitung der legendären Runner-Linie eingestellt, die jetzt aktueller denn je ist.

    Der All-Red-Everything-Look steht neben dem Adidas EQT Bestellen. Nun, es ist eigentlich nicht ganz rot, was dazu beiträgt, Vergleiche mit dem berüchtigten "Roter Oktober" -Farbschema zu hinterlassen, das jetzt in den Grund geschlagen wurde. Hier sehen wir, wie der klassische adidas Läufer mit einem farblich abgestimmten roten Obermaterial aus Mesh, Veloursleder und Leder für einen erstklassigen Look etwas origineller bleibt. Sie sind mit einem Stück schwarzem Leder an den Absätzen und einer kontrastierenden weißen Zwischensohle versehen.

    Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass Yeezys die beliebtesten Sneaker sind, wenn es um adidas geht. Sie müssen sie nur bei eBay oder Adidas EQT Günstig nachschlagen, um zu sehen, für wie viel sie weiterverkauft werden. adidas weiß das, weshalb sie Yeezys als Inspiration für einige ihrer anderen Sneaker verwenden. Hier haben wir eine neue Farbgebung des adidas EQT Support ADV, die stark vom Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Zebra beeinflusst ist, der letzten Monat veröffentlicht wurde. Dieses EQT verfügt über ein schwarz-weiß gestreiftes Primeknit-Obermaterial mit einem dezenten Schuss Turbo Red an der Ferse.

    adidas hat heute seine neueste Adidas EQT Rabatt Kollektion veröffentlicht, die eine Vielzahl seiner beliebtesten Silhouetten in einer Kombination aus Weiß, Schwarz und Turborot enthält. Einer dieser Sneaker aus der EQT-Kollektion, der in einer Handvoll verschiedener Farben auf den Markt gebracht wurde, ist der EQT Support ADV. Hier geben wir Ihnen einen Einblick in eines der beliebtesten Angebote, bei dem der Schuh mit einem schwarz-weißen Primeknit-Obermaterial überzogen ist, das viele Menschen wegen seiner Ähnlichkeit mit dem Tier als "Zebra" -Farbton bezeichnet haben. Zusätzliche weiße Details sind auf der Sohle, dem Käfig und den Schnürsenkeln zu sehen.

  • Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 Pas CherDatum10.09.2019 05:50
    Thema von ternan im Forum Diskussion

    Digiway-gallery s'est associée à Four pour créer un concept de boîte à chaussures pour Chaussures de Adidas Yeezy Boost 350. Le design intelligent élève le concept de boîtes coulissantes à de nouveaux niveaux avec un design en diagonale. En utilisant la languette de talon de l’Adidas Yeezy Boost 350, les boîtes personnalisées seront sûrement un must pour les propriétaires de Yeezy Boost 350 qui recherchent un moyen de ranger leurs objets de valeur.

    Un autre Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 Femme/Homme fera son chemin chez les détaillants plus tard ce mois-ci. Le coloris "Moonrock" est le prochain en ligne pour Kanye West et adidas, et nous jetons un autre coup d'œil à l'interprétation tonale du très attendu Yeezy Boost 350. Ce troisième coloris renverra l'empeigne de style statique en gris avec une semelle intercalaire tonale assortie. Yeezy Boost 350 est peut-être le meilleur à ce jour. Kourtney Kardashian s’est rendu à IG ce matin pour faire ses débuts avec le tout nouveau coloris Adidas Yeezy Boost 350. Cette adidas Yeezy Boost 350 présente une tige grise sur grise, similaire au tout premier coloris de "Turtle Dove", mais d'un ton plus clair. En outre, la semelle, dotée de la technologie Boost encapsulée, apparaît translucide et peut-être même brille dans le noir.

    Garder le contact avec les Kardashians pourrait être le meilleur moyen de marquer la prochaine paire de Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 Acheter. Débuté par Kourtney et confirmé par Kim, il semble que le "Tonal Grey" adidas Yeezy Boost 350 est la paire qui devrait être lancée le 14 novembre. La nouvelle a été repérée par The Shoe Game et bientôt relayée par Wex, faisant la lumière sur la première sortie de Yeezy ce mois-ci. Bien qu'il reste encore une possibilité de 350 "Beige" et de 750 autres, cela ressemble à la première paire que nous pouvons tous officiellement inscrire à notre calendrier des dates de sorties.

    adidas a ouvert les inscriptions pour le Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 Pas Cher. Les possibilités de réservation seront mises en ligne le mercredi 22 février à 16 heures, heure de l'Est. À l'heure actuelle, les quatre sites américains proposant l'offre Zebra Yeezy Boosts sont les suivants: adidas SoHo, Miami Beach, Miami Aventura et Los Angeles Melrose. Les boutiques de chaussures de sport ont également publié un nombre limité de chaussures et seront distribuées par tirage au sort.

    La saison de Yeezy aura lieu en ce mois de février 2017. Soldes Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 Bien que l'accent reste mis sur le nouveau pilote Calabasas Runner, également connu sous le nom de Yeezy 700 Runner, il existe encore de nombreux coloris Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 qui devraient sortir prochainement. . Nous recevons aujourd'hui un aperçu officiel de la prochaine version de Zebra Yeezy qui devrait faire son entrée chez les détaillants le 25 février 2017, dans une course beaucoup plus limitée par rapport à la récente option V2 Black / Red.

  • Nike Flyknit Trainer ShoesDatum10.09.2019 05:46
    Thema von ternan im Forum Diskussion

    Before the NMD or the Ultra BOOST, there was the Nike Flyknit Trainer Men's/Women's. In 2012, Nike introduced the world to the low-profile, sock-like runner that would go on to create one of the most popular aesthetics in the sneaker industry for years to come. This year, the Swoosh has been honoring the influential silhouette with a number of original returns for colorways the likes of the University Red variety you see here. As its name suggests, its Flyknit-infused upper comes primarily dressed in a bold red hue with black mixed into elements the likes of its throat, midfoot branding, and the underneath layer of its flexible construction.

    Nike’s Flyknit Trainer is inarguably one of the most influential shoes in recent memory, as it paved the way for low-constructed lightweight knit running silhouettes. Nike Flyknit Trainer Shoes With OG colorways returning, the Trainer is receiving and uptick in consumer attention which gives the Swoosh an opportunity to introduce brand new iterations to the market. Next up, is this “Spiderman” color scheme that combines the suit colors of everyone’s favorite teenage superhero to create a brand new aesthetic. Featuring blue in the front half and black in the back half, the Beaverton Brand ushers in Siren Red on its midfoot Swoosh as well as its midsole stripe.

    On Tuesday, the Cheap Nike Flyknit Trainer released in an OG black and white color scheme and sold out in minutes across nearly every platform. Revitalizing original color schemes is a great way to increase the energy around a sneaker, as fans who weren’t able to secure a pair will look elsewhere to pick up another colorway of that same silhouette. Nike is taking advantage of that notion and releasing a Cargo Khaki/Bright Citron iteration of the Flyknit Trainer that combines two mainstays of the popular runner to create a brand new design.

    Nike Flyknit Trainer Online continues to arrive to market in a swath of new colorways, as an all-season “Neutral Olive” pair is set to drop this weekend. Featuring an olive Flyknit upper with white accents and a black swoosh sitting on top an eggshell-colored midsole with black detailing and a red outsole, the shoe’s sporty and functional look is rounded off with a small 3M hit on the heel and multi-colored insoles.

    Next up for Sale Nike Flyknit Trainer franchise is this brand new iteration that sees three different shades of grey mixed into its upper. A vibrant blue hue plays a role in this selection as well, as it can be found dressing up the outsole, part of the Nike Flyknit Trainer branding on the tongue as well as its abstract camouflage insole. Nike continues to add attractive GR renditions to this once-running-turned-lifestyle sneaker that currently has a lot of energy surrounding it.

  • Scarpe de Nike VaporMax 2019Datum10.09.2019 05:35
    Thema von ternan im Forum Diskussion

    Futuristico dal colletto alla suola, la Nike VaporMax 2019 Uomo/Donna è un po 'amorfa nei suoi stili, in grado di affrontare senza sforzo un'ampia varietà di palette di colori diversi. Ora è pronto per essere pubblicato in un'audace combinazione femminile di bianco e rosa, intitolata "Pink Rise". Un materiale sintetico bianco croccante viene utilizzato come base, mentre il rosa offre un accento di buon gusto sulla gabbia, sulle cuciture e sulla linguetta dell'avampiede.

    Prendendo la tecnologia Nike Air Max più avanzata di sempre e riconfezionandola in una silhouette versatile che si adatta perfettamente alle strade come in palestra, Scarpe de Nike VaporMax 2019 è una combinazione unica di stile e prestazioni. Ora è emerso in una rinfrescante colorazione "Alluminio Blu" per sole donne che mescola i toni rilassati con dettagli scuri per un look sorprendente.

    Ulteriori accenti arrivano poi tramite dettagli neri sul badge della linguetta, Swoosh nella parte mediana, ripetendo la stampa del logo sullo stabilizzatore del tallone e sulla linguetta del tallone. Acquista Nike VaporMax 2019 Un tocco finale di eleganza è fornito da anelli in pizzo blu brillante e un'unità di ammortizzazione Vapormax traslucida che si abbina al colore di base della tomaia offre sia stile che comfort.

    Poche cose sono più estive per antonomasia rispetto ai toni pastello chiari e rinfrescanti, quindi Nike ha scelto di servire il Nike VaporMax 2019 in Vendita in una colorazione "Melon" per la prima estate in assoluto della silhouette sul mercato. Dotato di un mix di stile casual versatile e tecnologia futuristica per la corsa, questo nuovo Vapormax assume un morbido colore rosa-arancione attraverso la stragrande maggioranza della sua tomaia in TPE traslucido, mentre i colpi di volt di luce appaiono sia sui passanti in pizzo che sul Swooshes nell'avampiede per fornire contrasto. Ulteriori dettagli arrivano tramite una stampa logo ripetuta nera che avvolge il tallone e un badge d'argento sulla linguetta.

    Dettagli in grassetto sul marchio di testo ripetuto di Swoosh, lingua e tallone, quindi spuntano vividamente dal loro sfondo oscuro. Nike VaporMax 2019 Prezzo Scendendo in basso, la clip sul tallone e l'unità di ammortizzazione podular sono quindi entrambe vestite di un jet black per bloccare il look veloce della scarpa.

  • Adidas ZX ShoesDatum10.09.2019 05:31
    Thema von ternan im Forum Diskussion

    The Adidas ZX Men's/Women's takes what was so popular about the lifestyle instant-classic from a few years ago – the retro inspired outsole unit, easy slip-on construction, and breathable mesh upper and simplifies things for a more luxurious, minimalist take. The latest pair even breaks out laces that look almost identical to the ones used on Kanye's adidas Yeezy 350 Boost. Throw in a suede heel counter and trefoil branding on the tongue, and this tonal Off-White colorway is the perfect way to usher in the upcoming Fall 2016 season

    adidas Originals managed to peak people's interest by introducing models rooted in three stripes history like the Adidas ZX Shoes. The model was a major part of the trefoil brand's resurgence over the past two years, and now the aptly named adidas ZX Winter is ready for well, you can figure it out. The upper takes a turn that will immediately remind you of the Nike Air Mowabb thanks to an extended neoprene mesh slip-on ankle collar to help protect your feet from the slushy elements. adidas also utilizes their new Climaproof weather resistant material throughout disguised here as a tan suede. The boot aesthetic is interrupted thanks to a clean white heel and dashing blue accents throughout.

    Although it continues to be one of adidas' more popular models, the Adidas ZX Outlet has experienced a certain fatigue this past year, because it has been released in such a wide variety of colorways. At this point, the brand realizes they must give the model an overhaul, and that is exactly what they are doing on this latest drop. Compromised of a complete beige upper, the shoe features a unique camo print unlike anything you have ever seen. The midsole includes the same print, but in different and more vibrant shades of brown, providing a nice contrasting look that is perfect for fall.

    There's a new version of the Adidas ZX on Sale headed to retailers, and it seems to be stuck in the midst of summer with this enticing "Hummingbird" print created exclusively in women's sizes. Known as the adidas ZX Smooth, the silhouette sees heavy changes to the traditional outsole taken straight from the ZX heyday in the early 90s, as it gets smoothed down to an aesthetic more in line with the Tubular than anything else in the ZX arsenal. The print is what you'll want to focus on here, as a painting of leaves and hummingbirds occupies a bright sky blue base while accents of clean off-white shades keep distractions to a minimal.

    The Purchase Adidas ZX goes into the great beyond with this latest space-themed graphic upper. Straying from the usual "galaxy" motif, this time the space scene goes all red for a trippy new take on the celestial theme. All the elements from the laces to the outsole also come in the vibrant shade of red, making for a sneaker that seems to blend the "Red October" and "Galaxy" trends into one.

  • Nike Air Max Plus on SaleDatum10.09.2019 05:26
    Thema von ternan im Forum Diskussion

    The Nike Air Max Plus Men's/Women's will come in an upper predominantly made out of a black rip-stop upper. The tonal look of the base if then offset by the Metallic Cocoa overlays placed throughout the upper, including the branding on the tongue and side panels. Completing the look of the shoe is the black sole with matching Air units. Rounding out the look is the clear toe guard and the signature TN bubbles on the heel and tongue patch.

    For the most part, the states (US) hardly ever gets to see releases of the Nike Air Max Plus Shoes arrive at our local retailers. Nike usually makes the model a AU exclusive and this pair is no different. If you don't mind taking the extra steps to acquire these sneakers, these could also be yours. Let's take a look at the Nike Air Max Plus Chili Pepper. The shoe comes in a red gradient fade accompanied by the patent leather hits found on the toe of the shoe. White branding appears on the side panels, tongue and heel of the shoe, wile the tonal Air Max equipped sole unit and laces tie up the monochromatic look together.

    As of late it’s been re-releasing in OG colorways like the "Hyper Blue," and now yet another classic color is set to make a triumphant return to market: the "Voltage Purple." The masterful Outlet Nike Air Max Plus features a purple gradient fade on the upper that starts dark on the bottom and gradually becomes lighter towards the tongue, while the upper’s plastic overlays and mudguard are dressed in black to contain the colorful base. A bright orange appears on the Swoosh and Air Max units, and the look is completed by a purple midfoot shank, white midsole, black outsole, and — of course — a classic TN badge on the heel.

    However, the custom embellishments are what makes the shoe stand out: an interesting lacing system covers a large portion of the upper, starting back at the heel before creeping almost all the way up to the toebox, with the eyelets arriving directly above the midsole for an interesting webbed aesthetic. Nike Air Max Plus on Sale The laces feature flecked reflective detailing—so Drake can shine extra bright on stage—and the shoe also boasts a large heel tab, a design quirk that doesn’t appear on a regular Air Max Plus.

    The Shop Nike Air Max Plus and soccer: two things the British absolutely adore. The Plus has long held an esteemed place in English football hooligan and roadman (think Skepta) culture, truly becoming London’s shoe since its release in 1999. High-level soccer—and the Nike Mercurial boot line—are equally as important to British culture, and now the two are coming together on a new three-pack of Air Max Plus colorways, all of which feature a giant Mercurial-style logo on the midfoot and nod to classic Air Max Plus color schemes. Arriving in black/grey with red branding, a black with orange branding, and a white/grey with wolf grey branding, all three pairs utilize the giant midfoot logo as their primary design feature, and also feature striking pinstriped detailing on the upper.

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